At Best Impression Dental, our top rated local dentist is designed to spot problems before they become emergencies. Our highly-skilled team is trained to emphasize the power of preventive care and effective oral hygiene habits, but even the best education can't stop all cavities, chips, or small fractures from forming. That's why we use the latest technologies to provide our patients with the sturdiest, most natural-looking dental fillings possible.
Remember, we always offer same-day emergency dentist appointments. If you are experiencing tooth pain, call us right away so we can assess if you need a dental filling or another form of dental treatment.
Tooth-Colored Dental Fillings
For small cavities, Dr. Burton will seal and protect your tooth using composite tooth-colored dental fillings. These dental fillings are custom-shaded to ensure that they fit the color of your smile seamlessly.
To protect your health, Dr. Burton only uses mercury-free fillings to treat cavities. Not only are they safer, they’re also subtle and aren't ever visible when you smile and laugh. Tooth-colored fillings are bonded to the teeth using an ultra-robust composite material, restoring the strength of your tooth back to its healthy, natural condition.
Our Dental Fillings Process
After Dr. Burton confirms that a composite tooth-colored dental filling is the right treatment option for your tooth, she will numb the area using local anesthetic. If you suffer from dental anxiety and wish to ease your symptoms, safe and effective laughing gas may be administered during this stage.
Once the area is fully numb, Dr. Burton will use an appropriate instrument to eliminate all signs of decay from the area. She will then bond the composite tooth-colored dental filling to the cavity and set and stabilize it so that it stays strong and in-place for years to come!
Have Questions About Tooth-Colored Dental Fillings?
Call us today to see if a tooth-colored dental filling could help restore the health and appearance of your tooth!